Stonnington, Pendal, Russell Inc, & MEAG Munich buy Nuvei...Don't forget the long game folks, Nuvei secret is out....................... Several hedge funds and other institutional investors have recently modified their holdings of NVEI. Stonnington Group LLC acquired a new stake in Nuvei during the 4th quarter worth approximately $964,000. Pendal Group Ltd bought a new position in Nuvei during the fourth quarter worth $1,764,000. Russell Investments Group Ltd. bought a new stake in shares of Nuvei in the fourth quarter valued at about $7,407,000. National Bank of Canada FI bought a new stake in shares of Nuvei in the fourth quarter valued at about $20,908,000. Finally, MEAG MUNICH ERGO Kapitalanlagegesellschaft mbH bought a new stake in shares of Nuvei in the fourth quarter valued at about $1,125,000..........