If you picked up a little JSDAyou should maybe take a look at Tinley's TNY. Well on their way after a whole bunch of fock-ups and delays and doing business in California. Tinley has their own state of the art cannabinoid botting facility in Long Beach, up and running with their own line of THC infused cocktails sans alcohol plus liquers of the same ilk.
Over capacity is being contracted to co-bottlers for near risk free revenue and they are adding more magic to their bottling line for unique requirement products like tunnel pasteurizers and more.
Tinley came out smoking with cannabinoid beverages half a decade ago and got their shareprice to the $2 range which followed with some bad decisions, bad affiliates and a whole lot of missed dates for achievements which tanked the sp right down to .08c.
They put the instigator on the back burner and bumped up a beverage heavyweight and formed a team of trusted, capable management and have had some good success in turning this around by dealing with a lot of the issued and making things happen in a more timely fashion.
Tinley is on the verge of black ink as production is increasing as are co-bottling partnerships.
JMHO but my feeling is that this is overdone to the downside considering the strides they have made. The next little while will show profits or a buyout, maybe both!
Cannabinoid beverages are going to change the game!