From Yahoo boardScientific studies can help guard and build a patent. Can show a product is unique based on effects on the Human Body. Mikra's Goal is to Dramatically Impacting life with cellular health and Human Aspersions. Mikra is a Bioscience Company. Being Data Driven and Transparent is important as the Majority of the population has a misstrust, Confusion this is the reason the term "Snakeoil" is attached with majority of Nutraceutical products. 82% of people do not trust Nutraceutical Companies (on a study of 10,000) 71% of the population do not trust pharmaceutical companies either. Not many Nutraceutical companies use real data to present the benefits of their products most open up over night white labeling other companies products and use a pop med search to cover thier bases. The industry also lacks innovation. In Comes Mikra, Using real Medical Reaserch hiring Invivo with 11 PhD employees to do the data and analytical reaserch on the product. Nutraceuticals should work alot like software, With updates and new versions that come along with the data and "Change Log" with the different versions released. All data will be open sourced all clinical trials data will be available as well. Customers will always get a change log of what changed as the product is updated. Focusing on Function over form with science that is unheard of in the industry Maping genetic pathways with Invivo's help. Faraz wants Mikra to be a Paradigm shift in the Nutraceutical industry starting with "omics" data. They will release product with data, Open label study, Analyze results. Make marketing updated with results. formulate tweaks, Bolster patent, Release update (cellf2,Celff3) and so on..... focusing on cellular performance, Healthspan, Brain and nervous system and chronic information. With nutra boisystems mikra operates more like a pharmaceutical company with real scientific proof and evidence of all data at a molecular and cellular level which allows Mikra to release geonomic data to the bio community whether they are positive in achieving a set goal or not ( Transparency is very important) Second strengthens patent application and marketing claims with pre clinical results. Mikra can then take the data and start in the updated product to further enhance the genomic results. finally with all these data Mikra will decide if they will put this version into a FDA regulated stream to treat, Prevent or can cure a particular site of indication with its own "Spin off" patent and regulatory stream. Mikra will be using data to fuel innovation in the industry, This will allow Mikra to create the world's most potent and effective and targeted bio active solutions that can effect change at the cellular level. "Cellf version one may be our flagship product right now but with this pipeline we will be able to release more effective versions of Cellf based in the data we amass we will develop specific spin off consumer specific therapeutics that will have early genomic indications that can target particular pathways to improve things like systematic infliation, Imunity, Brain and even cognitive health all utilizing the same model of consntant inprovment and fast data from Invivo"