March 9th is Coming. Most O&G Co's Are Trading <$65 WTISurge is drilling up a storm in SK as far as I know with high netbacks, favourable regulatory environment and quick payouts. March 9th is coming and the info in SGY's 2021 YE Report will by my estimates give justification for a $10+ target price. I wouldn't be surprised if RJ's $12/sh target is under 2/3's of the Total Proved PV10% value (back of the envelope calc). Hold on to your hats. I've seen comments on other discussion forums that support that O&G co's by and large are still very much discounted (valuations under $65 WTI are the rule - heck I've seen one co. valued under $40). Oil & Gas prices are going to remain strong for years to come and companies like SGY will benefit huge. This is not garbage. This is where the energy supply we're running short of comes from.