13 years of High-Grade Gold production @ Copperstone Mine 💰 "... Years 5 to 13 are scheduled to produce from areas that currently have inferred resources and yet un-delineated extensions of the existing resources. The cash flow model includes the required excavation of drill platforms as operational headings advance and the associated drilling required to identify, confirm and define mineable areas. Updated capital and operating expenses were reviewed and incorporated into a discounted cashflow model.
Further engineering and refinement were completed on the processing facility that will incorporate a Whole Ore Leach process followed by Merrill-Crowe recovery and onsite refining. Plant lay-out and flowsheets with associated capital and operating cost estimates were completed. Engineering is estimated at 60% completion with flowsheets and plant lay-out complete. Concurrently, metallurgical testing is in final stages, indicating excellent gold recovery. Final metallurgical tests will provide data to confirm the equipment sizing and operating costs...."
Yet another year of production was added to the High-Grade Copperstone Gold Mine $$$
mORE profits to be made in Arizona!!! Wow!