Caveat Emptor!Like i keep professing & on here......and warning folks to practice religiously !! So be VERY cautious with anything people post on here! I hate to keep discrediting simple minded folks like Whiplash, Turnip & our dear friend Keelover BUT this is a battle they CANNOT win.......especially with ME ;0. They're really making this really TOO EASY for me......
"Mr moomoo has been on this board to board NCU for a blink of an eye - he seems to feel he's providing new information with his arrogant, pompous and condescending rants to posters who've been on here since what seems to be the beginning of time. "
As for our dear compadre Keelover & his inaccurate dubious remarks that concern my intent as well as my status here on SH......well friends i must object & correct it .......for the record ofcourse!.........While Mr. Keelover wasn't even born on SH i was already a full fledge contributing adult on these forums. Where was Keelover? Oh yes, nowhere until 2014. While i was busy contributing something on thes forums, for the past 20 years i may add, our friend Keelover was not around anywhere until 7 YEARS!! after. As for the Pot stock & Hexo, i've been here for a few years at least 3 or 4 by verifiable records. Where was Keelover? Yep nowhere to be seen until 2020 in Hexo. So barely just a little infant still suckling on his daddy's bossum compared to me. So much for his false accusatiions of "posters who've been on here since what seems to be the beginning of time. "
So how did our dear friend Keelover land here in HexoLand? Probably by unfortunate default of the grande Zenabis kiss of death merger, and being an unfortunate s/h of them & unfortunate newly minted s/h some point in time. He's been ranting ever since on here along side his bossum buddies Whiplash & Turnip77.
Look folks, don't have the TIME, ENERGY or care enough to deal & waste my time with these record speaks for itself on here. So re-read the title above and make sure you follow it.