RE:SHORT POSITIONSAgreed Clouder . There is plenty of news in the pipe and all you have to do is read the info posted . Add that gold is spiking, Location , Location , Location and the perfect storm . GIT was over a buck back in the day and with all the pots on the stove I see no reason why it will not achieve that goal again and IMO by this summer . As a long I have no problem waiting for results and they are coming as well as more news on other matters . Yup info is power . It,s all there for all to read and count yourself fortunate to be able to get any GIT for under a dime as things are heating up . Also consider Rothschilds and Insiders and what they hold then look at the float . Yup miniscule so what happens when the longs keep holding and the crumblords run out of gas ?. Right SP BOOM . Anything that got sold latetly got eaten up fast and the beauty is the consolidation has been a thing of beauty while a soild floor gets built till umm next news date wink . Info is power my fellow longs and yup lots more news is coming . What it is well I guess we find out when it pops . Long GIT.