RE:Time to delistI think this hits the nail on the head.
Reminding all from my Wildfury's point WTI "touched" $100....we need sustained pricing the market doesn't move on a "touch"...I would hope the market is smarter than that...we just need to keep progressing at the trend below as supply and demand are the real issue not geopolitics....IF geopolitics is your thesis....I disagree...
Anyhow food for thought Q4 was $76.04 (so the debt and cash in the bank will reflect that) Q1 was $80.15 so in April the debt and cash in the bank will reflect that...and in July we see where the current quarter it 80-90, 90-100 who knows...
In the meantime we wait...BTE deposits money....and the few (or many not sure) try to convince themselves the 100 people reading these posts moves the
BTE Free Cash Flow Q1-2021 = $70M avg WTI $52.09
BTE Free Cash Flow Q2-2021 = $112M avg WTI $62.71
BTE Free Cash Flow Q3-2021 = $101M avg WTI $70.57 (capex increase)
BTE Free Cash Flow Q4-2021 = $TBD avg WTI $76.04
BTE Free Cash Flow Q1-2022 = $TBD avg WTI $80.15
BTE Free Cash Flow Q2-2022 = $TBD avg WTI $95.91 (so far)
Wildfury wrote:
Oil touches $100 WTI, most Canadian oil stocks flat or down. They are making record FCF, profits and yet still trading as penny stocks. Tech stocks that are in debt for Billions are trading in the hundreds of dollars range. It's time to delist, go private a screw the shorters once and for all.