RE:Going forwardGiven the COOL stock graph, their track record of incompetence, and the almost 100% loss in stock price over 10 years, delisting of their sister company C.TBI in July, no large investor would buy into this scam. I wouldn't trust these scumbags to run a lemonade stand.
Management doesn't buy shares, because they have no faith in the stocjk themselves. They know it's not going anywhere. Management did the same thing under the LDS stock symbol. They weren't interested in their own product. The CEO personally told investors that Cannaslips did nothing for him, and he was personally a wine drinker.
This management team are nothing more than scam artists. Get out of this scam and all of their unfulfilled promises, before you lose your money! Just ask LDS investors, who invested with these scumbags for 10 years, then look at the 10 year stock graph, reflecting almost 100% loss! Pathetic.