War Looks like I was wrong. War in Europe. Cxxi trading well though.
I will dig through the Q4 numbers when they are published. Here are some preliminary thoughts.
Overall the entire sector is not doing well in the US. Sales are down 5% on average in the US while Nevada is down like 13%. I think this massive drop is due in big part to the turmoil in California and Oregon. Too much legal and illegal product being grown in those two states. Must be impacting Nevada as some of that product is slipping across the border illegally.
On the plus side Nevada is a controlled license state. Wholesale flower prices at USD 1800 per pound vs 450 in California and 150 in Oregon. Whether c21 top line grows is dependent on how much product was grown in the phase 1 organic expansion rooms and how much was sold. Mathematical it is possible that this new capacity could offset overall industry weakness and more. Regardless I am expecting solid ebitda numbers again even if top line not growing in Q4.