RE:Distortionswarthog you have a problem, you are madly imperfect; me too...the result is 'our' society, that you want to destroy with a revolution of the, masses of madly imperfect people who think the society they set up will be different. Much destruction to replace one flawed society with another. As to fiat/fraud currency, it's always been thus. Govts always want to do more than they have money for, whether a democracy or a tyranny, free enterprise or socialist ( it's all these madly imperfect people running govts, in a madly imperfect society in a madly imperfect world ....all very frustrating to someone like yourself who thinks ( why why ) that we can live in some much more perfect society...and a revolution of the masses, with all the attendant blood letting and property destruction, is sure to bring that think ( why why )..
Currency which you think of as valid, real, ie using coinage of copper, silver and gold, the sort of thing you yearn for........was constantly and consistently being devalued in the past, whether we're talking the Romans or any other issuer.....How ? Simply by using less silver in the coin but leaving the 'value' the same. Check it out yourself.
Finally, 'free market capitalism', as you call it, is working fine in most of the society, not so re treaury yields and thus also with value assessing certain assets. Also, always to push/pull between giant companies trying to eliminate as much competition as possible, and the need to maintain competition to keep free enterprise, and thus innovation and change, alive.
Don't be so glib ..... so quick to wish for uprisings, bloodshed and destruction of the society you and I live in....and one that is light years ahead of most on this benighted planet.