RE:StrangeWho said they gave up? I'm just an impartial witness who's been telling people that the wolf (Poo-tin) didn't want our game traps (NATO) near his hunting territory (Russia). But the Dems insisted and now the wolf has done what wolves do. Btw none of this happened under wokesters' #1 enemy Trump, it's happening under the politically impotent Biden and his wokester followers. Cuz the west is divided and weak. What do you propose the west do? (And to anti-politics posters, the longer POO-tin continues his expansion campaign the more politicians have to spend their time on that and not legalizing cannabis=stagnant SP)
Rainbowflier wrote: to understand that so many of the posters on this bullboard have given up just as putin would like you to do. Are you friends of putin through his best friend donald? America is fcuked!!!!!