Toronto Facility SaleI do find it interesting that with all the talk about Flag hash being processed and packaged at THR (which I personally don't believe is true) and the anticipated production of gummies and shots for both Sproutly and CMG members. There is one thing clearly missing from the following link: With all SPR's facilities and licences up for sale there is no mention of a gummies line or a shots line within the facility. Once again proponents of Sproutly appear to be merely giving shareholders another bum steer as to when SPR is even capable of coming out with shots and gummies.
Where's all the equipment know? The equipment extract and edible supplies SPR purchased from Cannahive for $150,000/revalued to over $500,000 and then took a mortgage out on the equipment. According to certain posters this equipment was installed and commissioned last year.
Ready for launch.
Obviously just sitting in a warehouse somewhere or sold.
No gummies.
No shots
Just more deception.
Shame, shame, shame.