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Draganfly Inc C.DPRO

Alternate Symbol(s):  DPRO

Draganfly Inc. is a Canada-based is a global in the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and drone solutions provider. The Company is engaged in providing cutting-edge technology for public safety, agriculture, industrial inspection, and mapping and surveying. The Company’s segments include Drones, Vital (Vital Intelligence), and Corporate. The Drones segment includes products and services related to the sale of UAV. The Vital Intelligence segment is engaged in the sale of products that measure vitals to help detect symptoms from large groups of people from a distance. The Company manufactures and sells a range of multi-rotor helicopters, industrial aerial video systems, and civilian small unmanned aerial systems or vehicles. Its products includeApex, Commander 3XL, Draganflyer Commander2, Flex FPV, Payloads and Sensors, Software, Heavy Lift Drone, Precision Delivery System, Starling X.2, Commander 3XL Hybrid, Draganfuel Ignite 70cc, Long-range LiDAR, Vital Intelligence, and others.

CSE:DPRO - Post by User

Post by EthanDTraderon Feb 28, 2022 12:13pm
Post# 34468028


$DPRO:INVEST, DON'T BE ANXIOUS.In life, there will always be surprises. Things that no one sees coming. In 2019, COVID happened out of the blue. Lives were lost, hospitalizations became normal, social life was disrupted through restriction of movement and lockdowns. Many businesses closed down which rendered millions jobless and in need of aid. In short, everything went south. In 2021, everything started looking better .2022 is the year to build on the gains of last year. No one, maybe only a few knew Russia would invade Ukraine. It's a rude economic disruption but as history teaches, no situation is permanent.WW1 ended, WW2 is history, and COVID-19 is almost figured out and so will the current UKRAINE situation. Therefore, we should not quite invest in fear of risk and uncertainty. Buy companies like $DPRO which are growing and enjoy the returns soon. Remember Stock markets have survived more than 200years despite all the challenges through those years.
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