LPV Assets? Imo, the schematic description of the structure of LPV shown in the Feb Corporate Presentation is quite confusing with regard to what V products will be included in the Assets of LPV. How will they define LPV Assets? Will the LPV assets comprise the inventory of all Largo’s V products?
1) The first illustration seems to imply that LPV assets will be consisted of only the Vanadium leased by the customers, as Largo V products (other than VRFB) will be sold directly from Largo to the end-users in the alloy / chemical sectors without the intermediary of LPV:
2) However the next diagram seems to imply that LPV assets will include the inventory of all Largo’s V products (V2O5 flake / V2O5 powder / V2O3 powder) in Largo’s “protected warehouses”. Note: V2O5 flake is not needed to produce electrolyte.