fisher how long has electek been around? Jose how long has Sustainable Technologies whoops Eguana been around? How long has Generac been around? How long has this "cra88y" company been around? Last I heard management say over the course of 8 months and that was several months ago at some point last year they said they have got a lot done since they started. What exactly did people have to go on when the company talked about Ecoville? Zilch. I had no clue what the company was developing and as a result I sold out. When the company started to talk about the charging wall and Daymak batteries etc I got back in at the .20 mark. As I said I held to my promise not to sell below a buck which brought us to this point with the company paying partners with huge amounts of issuing shares. Do I think this is a scam....note what I said some things will work others will not. Whether you or the bathers accept Daymaks 1 billion plus pre sales it is all good. Sure the bottom line is what counts but with 1 billion plus that is are you guys going to say Daymak is scamming and is part of the scam? What the hell does a private company that has been around for quite some time have to gain? If you say part of this and get rich so the company will be part of a scam ruin its reputation and close down??? Well it is still open and going on! Don't you guys stop to think that what you say of Abante and Bryson by extension is not what anyone would want to be branded by I highly doubt Aldo would want that branding. In any case as I said the 2 keys here regardless of what you think of this company is first and foremost Rich without who nothing will happen as they are the who energy source of the tech and by extension Daymak that needs the batteries neither of who I feel are so called scam. Where this goes it does to get to where it needs to be. Again I don't detect scam here. Time will tell. I asked these questions objectively and neutrally the rest will need to be proven or not. The story is far from written here. Folks if you want products want certainty and are not able to take a risk with things working or not stay away from this company. The truth which none can deny 0 revenue 0 product and 0 clients other than those that will by the looks of it built through Daymak for the charging walls...the crypto is among those partners. It is what it is. Can this company fail absolutely. Will it I absolutely don't think so but how much revenue time will tell. This is high risk remains high risk. If you guys want a give me go invest not gamble on the established TSX main exchange stocks not on the Venture. Products by the way fisher don't mean squat either! There are tons of companies that have them but lack anything meaningful. The bottom line with venture companies you see a double or better take it. You see a run take it even if you are only 20 percent up. Pennies folks you are gambling nothing else. Anyways lots of bashing here. 98 percent of the stocks are all the same. Even Eguana is garbage to those who buy high and are left holding the bag. Everything is all relative. Eguana has failed to hit prices people were after so garbage to bag holders but not to those who strategically traded or bought low...folks it is all about trading and positioning yourselves nothing else. Doesn't matter where this goes but how and what you do in trading it and all others. Pennies are majority of them to trade.