Readers looking at $ & Data. March 15 Q2 MD&A coming soon10 Buisness Days unitl Q2, FY2022 MD&A gets posted for quarter ending January 31, 2022. We'll see actual sales, actual revenue, actual burnrate and remaining cahs balance.
Then ADD in the $1M CAD from Xtract Deal complete & Paid during Q3, FY@2022
Then SUBTRACT 1/2 the Q2 Quarterly Burnrate shows (for (period Feb 1- March 15)
Then ADD $600K revenue in the $5.8M* backlog for the quarter (Based on payout of 24-36 months)
Note the Astric * on $5.8M as that is predicated on $2.1M in successful client trials per the PAT Corporate Investment Deck post in Janaury 2022.
10 more business days. I sincerely hope they have an Investment Announcement SOON!!!