RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Paul Colborne Quote from Calgary Heraldunc12345 wrote: ditchdigger251 wrote: Nice personal attack. Classy. Calling out hypocrisy isn't condescension. It's not personal either. I haven't seen any progressive thinker that isn't one. Doesn't take deep thought to see how Canada's oil and gas industry has tremendously benefitted the entire country over decades. Or that individual rights and freedoms have had a big hand in that success. Say whatever about honking horns in Ottawa but the success of Surge and growing prosperity does not happen without keeping individual rights and freedoms intact. Or that the rest of the world is producing oil with valves wide open while the left wing politico's in our country chain our valves shut. That a company like Surge is taking a position to not be swayed by nervous politicians that openly hate them and actually wished they didn't even exist but can't deny the continued unabated demand for oil speaks volumes. Enjoy your SGY profits even if you're clueless about where those actually come from.
I'll bite a little, but just for fun. I get bored before the makets open!
Why must you take one thing said (basically that I disagree with the extended time occupying Ottawa and disrupting people's lives there) to mean all you said above? I am obviously a supporter of the industry and the company. I understand the industry's contribution and importance within our country. Everyone with half a brain can understand the absolute nonsensical and embarrassing way that this critical industry has been treated by the Federal government. I am happy to still be in the stock and the sector after a near death experience just a short time ago. Anyone who knows me would laugh if the term "progessive" was used to describe my views on many things.
So my question to you is...why do you have to resort to this American style/Fox vs. CNN screaming BS about the progressives and the left when I simply said that tying up an entire city and people's livelihoods was not a great thing to do?
I for one stand with with the truckers! They made Trudeau look like the fool that he now is, to everyone. Personally, I hope that more young people will get out and vote in all elections in this country.