RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Paul Colborne Quote from Calgary HeraldIt's only American style/Fox vs. CNN in your head. My beliefs about the value of Equal Freedom, Liberty and Justice for All are strong and have been since childhood. I knew people growing up that had survived Hell on Earth in Pol Pot's Killing Fields and as an ethnic German with a Jewish-in-Law I had some extra impetus to understand what happened in Germany prior to WWII. I also spent a bit of time wearing a beret, khakis and combat boots so I know how to salute. My knowledge, background, disposition and experience have given me a strong appreciation for what we here in Canada have and how easy it all can be lost. I have to say it's no accident that more people are making comments about our Gov't becoming noticeably more authoritarian. There's parallels and analogies to what's happened all too fast before.
I'm not soft on progressives and I apologize for mistaking you as one. Prog ideology is absolute hate filled divisive poison to individual rights and freedom. It's also, I think, just a rebranding of 20th Century totalitarian dogma. Green is the new Red. No one can be trusted to be responsible even with raising their kids. Ever. As far as I'm concerned it's just a huge load of garbage that people consume like McD burgers and fries - goes down easy at first but the consequences later are harsh.
So maybe you can understand why I take exception to backhanded comments towards the Ottawa trucker protest. I'm sure the Ottawa residents hated it but Ottawa as Canada's capital city belongs to all of us. If it wasn't a good chunk of the way to the Atlantic Ocean I'm sure there would have been many more protests over the years than just this one. The residents should count themselves lucky given all the malfeasance Fed Gov'ts with the last name Trudeau have foisted on Canadians, especially Westerners. The truckers were not antifa / BLM fire bombers toppling statues yet the leaders were carted off the jail without bail while the BLM "peaceful" Toronto protest that caused real damage had no arrests. Go figure. If it wasn't for double standards the Libs would have none at all. I'm curious on why you only blame the truckers for tying up Ottawa. They didn't want to travel thousands of miles and protest in -20C day after day while authorities did everything they could to make the trucker's lives miserable. Why not blame the Trudeau Libs who wouldn't even meet with the protest to listen to grievances and instead enacted the War Measures Act to crush a peaceful group of dissenters as diverse a group as any you'd see in a park on Canada Day?
Canadian truckers give our Oil Industry an incredible amount of value. We literally would not have an energy industry if it wasn't for truckers of all shapes and sizes. From drilling, completions, construction, maintenance, emergency response and abandonment/remediation truckers are a critical pillar that keeps everything alive and working well. If Canada's truckers are unfairly abused by Gov't overreach it will negatively affect Energy. I hope all Surge shareholders care about that. Anyways enough blathering. Lets see SGY get past RJ's $12!