good recap mugs$67mil in cash, seemed promising to me also other than the $1 mil in rev. 40 contracts or so signed, most getting reimbursed around $12500, they charge $8000 or so bumped up from $7K ish. interesting new options already in use in europe lets the doctor treat the surrounding muscle if need be as sometimes it may spread. is at the fda for approval for that 3-6 months before being available in the US. geographically spreading out in the US reducing travel time for clients and helping with their reimbursement strategy. also pipeline as far as what i could understand equals the number of of contracts they currently have. Asia starting to be in play again somewhat. also he mentioned that the constriction in the hospitals caused by lack anastesiologists. time will tell and need to show growth now and execution. I still believe in Arun . oh also they have a deal with a veteren hospital with an install. he was mentioning that they receive 20K per procedure. doesnt help that the market sucks but hopefully they can continue to grow as the technology seems compelling.