MTS THANK YOU FOR SOME SP REALITY BUT STILL WAY TOO LOWGOOOD MORNING MTS!! Our sp had no business trading that low!! BUT I AM TRULY grateful!! As posted previously it is a LOTTERY ticket to be buying down here at these levels.'
This market environment is truly a Warren Buffet opportunity.
etc etc etcccccc......the perfect storm for the strategies Warren preaches and invests by!!
Nothing wrong with your MTS. Just stay focused on your dd.
You believe in MTS or you don't. You stay or you go!!
I'm sticking around for dollar land! MTS has been very kind to moneynorthbound aka wagon over the years playing the swings. Buying down here was AND WILL BE the best MTS swing ever!!!
So, many casino tables to sit at...but the secret is which ones will give you the most green percentage %%%%%%%%%%%%%% GAINS!! ROI???
MTS sp down here.....hahhaha no brainer!! for the PAY TIENT investor!!