Remembering a conversation I had with my in-laws about 3 yrs ago concerning a neighbor in Diamond suburb of Georgetown in regards to a water well he was having dug for him not more than a hundred ft deep when he struck oil causing the surrounding land around his house and adjacent properties to shift. It was claimed by the gentleman that the oil was fuel grade and he was now operating his car and yard equipment and selling to surrounding neighbors excess fuel reserves . I have no reason to doubt my wife's parents and have always kept this knowledge pretty much under wraps until now. Diamond is approximately 2.5 to 3 miles off the coastline. This information along with conversations I've had over the yrs with a friend who's brother works for CGX for now over 11 yrs now kept me invested in Frontera and CGX. The main problem I see going forward is not only management's greed but also political corruption squeezing the little retail investor out of their fair share of any financial rewards. We have all seen this play out over the years and now even more so in last months,weeks and recent days. I can't complain I've made great returns concerning this investment,although it's not without many a sleepless nite