RE:New High!
caveat that is very impressive. I hold 1 percent what you do and have been in and out otherwise I would have held 10,000 or so shares. At this point I will look at risk reward and seeing how there is huge amounts to gain here hold the shares. I will say I know this will succeed I did not come in to bet against success. The downside is yeah the gains can get fully wiped out to what .15 or less but that is the chance we are all taking in holding on success. The team here is really smart scientifically speaking so that gives me the confidence that I am having. Not only that very systematic and thorough but my impressions for as long as I have knowledge of this company despite trading in and out until now. Looks like you will be a really rich guy I will say congrats because I am putting my money and faith on success nothing else. I have 0 plans to move shares not until I either get what I am ideally after or my hands are forced in a successful buyout way or the other way I am betting against. In any case lot of excitement here and anxiety only if you are not confident in the testing phase. For now let us enjoy the .80 close and see this get to a buck plus :-) good luck all.