The good, the bad and the uglyIt seems that most of the beverage companies that have thrown their hats into the ring are having a tough time.
STZ, BUD, HEINY and HEXO have all put considerable effort and money into cannabinoid infused beverages and are solidly down.
BEV, AYR, JSDA and TNY, while junior mostly recent entries are taking their lumps too.
Beverages are traditionally high margin, high turnover skus.
Cannabinoid infused are a little different animal that find themselves in competition with Beverage Alcohol and in a black to grey area of over-regulation.
Interestingly, Beverage Alcohol are in conflicting situations with them knowing that they are going to lose marketshare for safer, healthier cannabinoid options that aren't only fun but are also used for pharmaceutical treatments by self appointed patients as well as doctor prescribed consumers.
It seems that Beverage Alcohol is positioning itself to be on the inside, lining their pockets than on the outside looking in and wishing that they were a part of the greenrush.
Someday soon, hopefully, politicians will have to do the work necessary to level the playing field with Big Alcohol, Big Pharma and Big Tobacco who are all under threat of marijuana and hemp producers eating some of their lunch.
As far as Tinley goes, I am a cheerleader for it and first to say don't believe all of the bullchyt that the disgruntled naysayers are pulling out of their azzes.
Tinley has had a rough go of it since the decline from the $2 shareprice. Had a lot of missed dates, made some bad partner choices and yet still came up with a functioning company with a new state of the art bottling facility in LB, California. Even before they are operating at full tilt they have had to expand their abilities and are currently doing so.
Tinley is a going concern, currently producing thc infused beverage skus into a whole new market that is full of uncertainty surrounding what is legal and necessary to have them on shelves for public purchase and revenue for storefronts.
The latest improvement which is a can capable line is supposed to be started tomorrow and it seems that our lineup of co-packers is getting longer. Co-packing is solid revenue without much risk at a lower premium while Tinley's and Beckett's could/should be able to capitalize on higher margins as our own new and unique thc infused products that the market is searching out for better quality and flavour than some of what has beat us to the shelves.
Tinley has back-burnered Jeff the founder and major shareholder as the fall guy and raised up the rest of the team in a team management effort to stop the delays and make things happen which means production, sales and profits, hopefully large enough that they trickle down into shareholder's pockets.
Tinley is relatively debt free, hasn't diluted itself beyond comprehension and on the cusp of making some serious money imho. We have got to be on the radar of a lot of greenrush hopefuls who endorse the concept that beverages are going to be the main form of ingestion and in such a social and accepted way, similar to the very familiar alcohol beverages.
Safer and healthier, less calories, sugar and no hangover for doing a shift in the bar. Also a good excuse to tell your wife you are going out for a little arthritis treatment, lol!
glta and dyodd
ps. I haven't sold a share and neither has Jeff the last I checked, or the other main guys.