RE:email to CGX Soul,
The problem is at this point I don't know what else they can do or say.
1. Yes they issued a BRUTAL news release which caused the SP to tank
2. They provided a good clarification the following morning (yes the damage was done but we recovered again a little bit)
3. Then they went on record with Oil Now to clarify things and "dumb it down even more" for them and investors and it dropped even more.
Trust me with hundreds of thousands of shares I want this to be fixed and more in line with where we should be also but I honestly don't know what else they can say outside of the final results, JV(s), and other news.
The problem with this stock in my opinion is that over the last decade investors and more importantly shorters know that with every spike CGX usually falls until the next one and they short us like crazy to make money on the drop. I don't like betting against my investments or the craps table so I don't do it but these guys do and with doubt they took full advantage of the situation.
All we can hope for is final results to be released, crystal clear direct on the path forward, how we are going to get there, who's going to be there with us and clarity.
With that will hopefully get us to our numbers. I still stand by saying that a good JV makes this jump like crazy.
Time will tell!