RE:RE:Is this a game changer We'd need to see the full posters. It's in the same vein as stuff we've seen before but as you say an extension to that. To be honest it doesn't move the needle much for me. They've been hitting home runs with the preclinical and this continues that.
The stem-like cells work is exciting but it's difficult to see how that translates into an observable response in these early trials they are doing with this particular patient group. In other types of trials that intervene at other times in the treatment process it could certainly make a difference. Having said that, most of the time we think of progression in our trial as tumours growing but it can also occur when new tumours form. I guess there is potential there for better PFS if you are stopping new tumours forming, as long as the pre-existing tumours aren't growing.
You can see why they are still very positive about this program. It can happens but it's hard to believe all this doesn't translate into some human efficacy
SPCEO1 wrote: It is defintely not yesterday's news reheated - it is new info and it does clearly suggest that TH-1902 inhibits tumor growth. It sounds like the study done was a step above the intiial pre-clinical work but I will let our science team tell us how meaningful this data is.
Trogarzon wrote:
Is this new demonstrative data increasing probaility of POC in humans otherwise it's interesting to advance science but what's in it for shareholders can someone comment on this news. It feels like yesterday's news reheated...