Takeovers, Low valuations, Huge EPS, ETC ATH, AND other oil companies, have NOT YET even come CLOSE to were they should be trading. Look back in the day when oil was in the 90.00 dollar range ALL THESE OIL companies were three times what they are TODAY. The typical progression is, they make a TON OF CASH, THE STOCK PRICE RISES, which has NOT HAPPENED, and then they look to BUYING OTHER COMPANIES. The last stage of buying other companies and their stock RISING , HAS NOT YET OCCURRED. ATH, NEEDS TO BE AT 4.50 $$$$$ RANGE. OTHER COMPANIES are seeking to acquire good assets, maybe ATH, ITS GOT A LOT TO OFFER, TAX CREDITS, LAND, GREAT EPS, VOLUME HAS BEEN huge, accumulate accumulate. IT WILL POP SOON. ERIC ,LIKES THE STOCK, FEELS ITS WORTH 4.00 plus range $$$$$$. HAPPY CAPITALISM .