Do you miss Donald Trump yet?Well I sure do.'WHY' Well because under him I made lots of money!
With Mr Trump the markets were very stable.Unemployment was at all times lows and gas prices were real low,and most of all No Wars.
Look were the world is now because of Joe Biden.The opposite of Trump.
Gas prices in California
reached over $8 a gallon and $5 in most of the USA.Because of the high gas prices,food will cost a lot more due to trucking costs.
Because of now of the instability of the market people will have less money to invest as the cost of food and gas is a big blow to most households and the fear of what lies ahead.
Under Mr Trump we had low unemployment,low gas prices and very sable market and NO WARS.
We are in this situation because of all the morons who voted for Biden
Do we wait now for the return of Mr Trump,or is it too late,as we are on the brink of a world war three.Saying is that World War four will be fought will sticks and stones.