RE:RE:RE:POET completes live demo in San DiegoHi Gilver: I have high acclaim for you not only finding Caroline Egan's article I spoke about but also posting it in bold print for All to see.All of what POET'S O.I's can provide to future customers.This shows the Diversity & Speed that is required for A.I.(Artificial Intellience).I really had no idea POET 400G FR4 cold process 500 Devices at the same time.My experience is with Fibre Optic's working for largest telecommunications company in Canada.Now,throw the Photonics aspect,well I got a little excited.I was all in or sold on Poet when they sucessfully developed the Opticial Interposer.I last bought stock at $0.83 near end of Nov/2021 & have been holding & the best is yet to come.Remember like a jet on the airport runway just getting for clearance from Tower Control.This stock is in early days & has not even taken off yet.When it gets those contracts coming in,then watch where the stocks goes.My opinion only.I welcome comments.