RE:RE:RE: Yasch,
It is heartening to see the bravery of the Ukrainians, and the support they are receiving from foreigners who have taken up arms and gone to fight in Ukraine. I also find some hope in the number of Russians who are openly protesting in the streets or leaving Russia and saying they will never return. But it’s disturbing to see the reaction of some North Americans who are complaining about the price of gas, saying that it’s not our fight. Surely paying more for gas is a small price to pay to protect freedom in the world and the security of international borders and sovereign states from autocratic tyrants. People who are unfortunate enough to live in Russia, North Korea and similar countries “pay” every day with their lack of freedom, and the parents and grandparents who fought in the World Wars paid with their lives to ensure our freedom. Europeans seem to have longer memories, and a clearer vision of what can happen if Putin is allowed to continue.