Neurotoxicity caused by docetaxelI believe decetaxel was release from TH1902 inside SORT1 positive cells including cancerous cells and neuronal cells. Otherwise, TH cannot observe the similar effect which was also observed with higher docetaxel along. Refering to the feedback from Christian....
I personally dont know if cancerous cells express more SORT1 than neuronal cells but I hope cancerous cells were jeopardized lot more than the normal cells due to more SORT1 protein on cancer cell membrane.
Christian said....
Yeah, what we've seen is our adverse events are linked to when you get a higher dose of docetaxel. At some point you get [indiscernible] or go higher to a certain level. And what you see with docetaxel, they seem the same after two or three cycles. That's what the signs of neurotoxicity that's seen with those docetaxel. We've seen also some signs on visual acuity seen with docetaxel and some fatigue.