RE:RE:RE:RE:Bte is a ponyIt all comes back to basics , more bids than asks translate into rising prices and conversly on slow "bid" days the algo's will toss shares back and forth drawing down the price until bids come roaring back . These algo's are programed to discount O&G every chance they get which is why it would be so refreshing to see some "unexpected" good news on enough occasions that their losses would no longer make these stocks "easy pickings"
Q1 will put things in perspective and as we near driving season ..... well if they want to play "Russian roulette" then more power to them . Suicide while being illegal is an option for which you will never be prosecuted for successfully , lol . Its a free country
Cobalt wrote: You got nothing , so why did it drop?
Nothingmatters wrote: The same reason that made it drop from 6.60...
nikolaos wrote: Why would it drop below $5? April 28 is a month and a week away until they report q1, of which they will pay another $1** million+ off debt, increase their production over 2021 production, implement share buybacks and most likely be rerated at a more current average wti price as opposed to the value of $65 oil average last year. This is a buy and hold til debt targets are met by their guidance. Oil price swings up and down mean nothing until they are sustainably higher or lower for a longer period of time.