There People Digging and Digging Finding
nuggets of info tying companies who nxo is partnered to that is named directly tied to others who have outwardly directly talked about nxo. For instance a poster in the Facebook group picked up on a list of companies nxo can potentially supply one was omnivision and when the poster did further digging Pristine directly named them and as she dug further Omnivision uses Ntek who is nxo partner in South Korea. If people start digging instead of wasting time hammering this company like that poster has done in Facebook you will see why the stock price is moving on no news. The ties are actually there and ir engages the posters but does not directly give people answers is more indirect but always hinting about things which means there is a huge tight lip thing going on here as I had said when I talked with ir and was told the company doesn't want leaks getting out or rock the boat but when people take the initiative tying the threads together by following the individual strands there are indirect near confirmations and other things directed to such as the cmos not only scope and imaging and all possible chips. Do you guys now understand how things will work here. The FB group isn't hyping and pumping willy nilly there are people like this one poster who is following the bread crumbs and seeing where they all lead and it is apparent that there are partners that this tech is integral to and it ties back to others in quite a circular way where if you look you will find the threads. Ir will not come out and say yes but will encourage more digging and if you look you will find answers for yourselves. Great to see people doing constructive things not wasting time trying to discern whether this is legitimate and not look beyond the silence and what is really going on. This companies AI may in fact be on certain cmos I don't know I haven't dug but by the looks of it it appears to be so so the consulting fees may be more may be possible that the AI ALLIS is on other chips outside of the big three that power other partner devices I will throw out an example just for example sake not saying anything other than there are more than Qualcomm Nvidia Intel there is Amberella chips so if people look more broadly it may be possible that the AI is elsewhere too despite a few huge players as those named. I will not be digging you already know what I said impossible where people come together either party walks away where none benefits. People need to stop being silly when they think it is otherwise. This thing is a ticking time bomb that will blow to prices many of us will desire. The silence can't keep going on but instead of doubting and wallowing in others ignorance start looking for the ties because if you don't you will likely not benefit as much as you otherwise could. I am impressed with that one poster and how she has been following the individual strains tying them together. This can hit $2 to $10 this year. Let's see where things go though there is a lot going on and Pristine is actually highly praised winning recognition. This partnership alone may bring considerable share value as some have most likely stated. This will be as stated the breakout year but it will need to see the momentum to keep going driving forward and holding traction. These prices despite the previous lower ones will likely be seen low too as I have constantly held. If you saw the post I don't think you would want to sell and may consider adding and if not wish you could while you hold no pump just seeing how things are tying together. I can see why Rich is highly regarded great things to start emerging this year and well deserved.