RE:Ground Rules for New Investors "MM- you are the boards most level headed poster. Should there be something like a probationary period and is that feasible? What do you think?"
You're too kind and it's nice to know I've fooled at least one person. Since you asked, here are a few observations, recommendations.
1. Concern yourself mostly with facts and factual posts( preferably with links) . In about 10% of all posts you'll find a nugget or two. Opinions are great... but you know the saying... opinions are like arseholes ... everyone has got one.
2. Don't waste your time worrying about posts or posters that attack others or yourself. Use the ignore button if it bothers you. Everyone is guilty of taking shots at others sometimes ( I know I do) Sometimes people just need to take out their frustration ( usually about the company or more usually it's stock performance) on each other. If someone over-vents, only attacks others, and adds little else, then by all means them out for it, or at least put them on ignore.
3. There are more than 3 legit posters here. And for every poster there are 10 times as many silent readers or non participants (on average for all boards - except obscure stocks no one cares about). I know this because I've met many of them in person or talked to them via other means
4. IMO there are some nefarious posters with hidden, and not so hidden agendas. This particular board ( stock) is hardly an exception. I believe that some of those posters have multiple aliases/ handles that they post under. After a period of time you learn to spot them Most are harmless, and often amusing, but a few are here with an agenda that involves some sort of personal gain ( there own or that of someone else)
5. There are differences between disgruntled investors, who come and go, and those that are purveyors of FUD ( fear uncertainty and doubt), you begin to spot those differences over time as well. Disgruntled investors are looking for someone other than themselves to blame ( usually for their past poor investment decisions)
6. As STT says, don't use SH or any other public forum to make investment decisions. Only use forums to gather the odd factual tidbit to add to your overall knowledge about the stock. Better that you: attend AGMs, read SEDAR MD&As and FS, etc ( dry as they can be sometimes), research using Google, talk to Mgt when if you can, monitor what insiders do, etc.
7. I don't have any first hand knowledge of the Beachboys - they were popular before my time. But " I get around" and have formed an opinion about their labelled presence here that I'd prefer to keep to myself.
8 Probationary Period ? I don't see the need. Say what you want to say when you want. Don't worry about how you're perceived by a group of anonymous posters. Share your thoughts if you're so inclined and ignore those that beat you up for it .
I see some value in many of your posts personally.
9. with a few exceptions, I find some value in almost every post or poster... even the ones I disagree with.
10. I do know for a fact that many Mgrs read various boards from time to time. Why? Most likely to take the temperature of their retail investors and sometimes to pick up the odd factual nugget that they may have over- looked themselves. With that knowledge, it's often helpful to say what's on your mind.
gl and hsfot