What a piece of DogshitToday's news release per Mgmt Discussions:
Nothing is still nothing. Should have done 1 new for 20 rollback in Jan 2021. $3.1 million raised, now $1 million left and owing $1.1 million to CF Research and related companies. Still no results promised. C'mon Chuck, take this over for a nickel a share as the Co is dead to the shareholders. They are tired of paying you and your lab to sit on the results.
"...In 2021, an airborne VTEM survey was flown over the Company’s five claim blocks. In addition, nearly 1,250 heavy mineral samples were collected from these claim blocks and also from the 46 gold anomalous trains previously identified. At the time of writing only the first of these results have been received.
Initial results from sampling on the Company’s claim block southeast of Chibougamau has shown that stream sediments upstream on the drainage previously yielding the highest gold and scandium results consistently contain some of the highest ilmenite counts to near the headwaters of the drainage. This area is in the centre of a large airborne magnetic high anomaly and downice from a nearsurface resistivity anomaly. According to the airborne resistivity results, the nearsurface resistivity anomaly gets stronger and wider to depths greater than 450 metres. This is a potential drill..." Yada, Yada, Yada.