Sharp UptickIn sales as per the Headset web site, more so than the other top ten products, the trend line looks like it's taking a sharp uptick also. I suspect we will shortly see strawberry kiwi take over top spot and with the top spot comes the 30%+ total market share for a #1 product. Ontario sales of pot products are estimated to be 2.1 billion dollars, of this a very conservative estimate for beverage sales would be 73.5 million and the market share of a #1 product would be on average ( 30% of 73,5 ) 22 million. Not bad for 1 product. What about the other 11 products they will be selling as of April. Then we will have to add the breakout numbers of Canajo in B.C. which are unknown at present. The only thing we can do is track store penetration. In a couple of months we will see how well Canajo has taken hold. Still waiting to see news on Alberta the second largest legal pot market in the country. Based on my research my 2022 estimate on sales is anywhere from a low of 38 million to a high of 79 million it all depends on Alberta and Canajo.