What can I say ............I have to admit being somewhat "off" my game lately due to some external frustrations and concerns , I'm just going to be happy when this week finally ends . Today felt like the lowest point so far with the cherry on the Sundae being this BS deal between Trudope and Swing , can it get any worse ? The ndp sells out the working class for nothing more than job security and pensions , the left libtards are now free to destroy western Canada without the mandate to do it . Prepare to become well acquainted with this formerly dormant virus called inflation , more importantly you better get your kids into an Ottawa proof career if they ever want afford to breathe let alone raise a family because they are inheriting a debt that will never be paid off without crippling inflation down the road .
This is a fact that governments don't want you to know but this is how it works (in a frat boys mind) . You borrow $1 billion , then you print $3 billion in new currency which puts more money into the economy than the products and services available . This starts the bidding war , for raw material and labor , prices go up but the actual value of your money goes down so after a decade the $1 billion you borrowed is paid back with a devalued $1 billion of worth-less money . Now this only works when the borrowed money is in your own currency which means selling government bonds . While you will always get paid back , you lose money in the process . Inflation is raging right now , lets say at 7% but government bonds only pay what , 2% interest ? Do the math but keep in mind you will be taxed on the 2% on top of it all . Today its "tax carbon" , in 10 years I'll bet there will be an "Oxygen tax"
It's not the system that's broken , it's the mindless sheep that allow this to go on . How did we ever allow government to get this big , this bloated and this corrupt . How did a drama teacher ever become PM , or a journalist as deputy PM and finance minister or the most senseless , a graphic designer as a health minister . An alcoholic ex tv host as Natural Resources minister Shameless O'Reagan replaced with Wilkinson (aka: lower mainland BC) or a convicted eco terrorist in charge of newly created Climate Change Minister (Guilbreault) . This crowd is more embarrassing than a president in a diaper and a VP that describes the Ukraine as "a little country next to a big country (Russia) and the bigger country invaded the smaller country .......... and that's bad" ................ ?
Can you believe a sitting VP could be that stupid ? Harris's foreign relations adviser resigned immediately after that trip to Poland . But once again , I digress .
Back to the product of all this stupidity , lets let a hostile Islamic regime have access to a Nuclear bomb and the money to finance it in exchange for oil , or ignore genicide in China for cheap cellphones (if you call $1000 cheap) and sneakers , or offer to fund a rogue regime in Venezuela when its all available right here . We can finance another Putin or we can keep the money , provide great jobs , energy security and starve these rogue dictators of their life blood ....... CASH !!!!!
And where am I going with this ? Enter "mental cul de sac" here , just kidding Eigen . The point is using green stupidity as an excuse to not support our own resources , our own economy and our own prosperity is ridiculous . But take note , when you let the kids run the class , expect a circus not a learning environment .The longer this stubborn ignorance lasts , the longer lasting and the larger O&G profits will be . When the dam finally bursts its will be epic , its just a matter of time before that trigger gets pulled .
If you made it this far , here's the nugget . Debt is being paid down way ahead of the $65 plan timeline ,the buyback should start within weeks and a revaluation is due . Don't listen to chicken little or debbie downer and don't lose sight of the fact BTE is ready to jump to new levels . While green rhetoric seems to be ruling the market right now , its the "GREEN" ($$$) BTE will be reporting for Q1 that you need to concentrate on .
Good night Irene !!!