RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:YESSSS !!!FAF has the largest private online cannabis presence in Canada and a billion dollar backer, i think they'll do ok. I can also 100% guarantee that you are wrong about FAF just like you've been wrong with Lifeless :)
200 orders of Cellf must have you really pumped :)
The say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, so thank you :)
Marski101 wrote: Rambum, the only interneting being done is by you, still at it hey keyboard warrior? How's FAF doing sunshine?, solid .54, WOW! Solid investment there, amazing how many more brick n mortar shops i'm seeing close their doors! In due time will be FAF's turn, mark my words ;) Keep it up tho clown, with you and your muppets here everyday still rambling on a stock forum, thinking your being heard haha, quite the investor you are! GL