RE:SQI's Rali-Dx & Rali-fast make perfect companion diagnostics I think the triaging with Rali-Dx is very UNDERAPPRECIATED by potential investors.
If you have a chest/lung infection...a garden variety test will tell you whether it's Covid or Pneumonia etc. BUT more importantly, one really should want to know it a serious infection with bad inflammatory markers that increase your odds of ending up in the hosptital or ICU? That is what you really want to know, and presumably what the Rali-Dx test will determine. Why is that important? Number 1 there are early treatments you can get to dramatically reduce the odds of ICU admission or worse.
Too me this is the third new REVENUE PILLAR that is VERY MUCH underappreciated.
The three pillars (not including UHN/Transplant diagnostics)
1. Mobile PCR testing (focused on the sticky users like mines and Production crews that cannot afford anyone to slip through, but even so, I anticipate a variant wave and a fall wave)
2. DTC Antibody testing (Covid antibodies sufficeint?, do I need more boosting?, etc.)
and NOW ....
3. If a PCR or multiplex tests says that you have Covid or what? need to know how bad is it? So that you can take additional steps immediately. I know I would pay for that info.
- The revenue taps have turned on re: # 1 (with purchase of existing , hit the gorund running, business)
- The Revenue taps re: # 2 should turn on in April (Azova)
- The third revenue tap starts...? (hard to believe, but maybe even more exciting than # 1 and # 2).
What till the uninitiated start to see how fast the revenues are apt grow ! ($ 3.6M+ in Q2 is just the start)
Now they need to bring on some serious IR.
I'm looking forward to them getting the word out there ! ... so that there are more than 20 investors (including the billionaire insiders, some employees, and six SH posters)
It's time !