Upcoming events to look for that are positive.
2021 financial report (full year 2021) should be out anytime now. Also Q1 2022 should be very promising. Last quarter Q3 EPS was $.10 and now with the resumption of Sulfuric Acid at Arraias and the continued upwards prices of MAP and DAP that number should almost be doubled for Q1. EPS with these number will shoot this thing up nicely. N1/NDR approvals should be out this month from previous news bulletins I've read in the past and if its approved that's there path forward for the 30 years and that will make investors extreamly confident. Technical report for Arraias fertilizer resumption or path forward is long overdue! It was due out Q4 2021 so I don't know where that is but I hope for an update on it in there year end report. They have been talking about the sale of Farim and other properties they are not using. I would much rather see a financing deal go through and get a mine opened on that property because it's over a million tons a year in production and that would be huge!! So there's a lot of news due out and I'm very hopeful! Share prices haven't been this high in years and volume is something I've never seen with this company. I'm hoping people in the know are buying because they know good things are just around the corner.