RE:I suspect we have proof of concept alreadyYou have to be correct SPCE01. I'm not a scientist; I'm in the finance space. I can see all the related business moves and it just makes sense that they have something meaningful coming. I sent Dubuc an email two days ago asking what the leadership team was going to do different, now that we are sitting at 52 week lows. Specifically, what is he as head of IR going to do? I told him the stock price is a reflection of the leadership team, there lack of communication, and the fact that they've allowed other professionals, investors, speculators to create the narrative for them. They should be controlling the narrative, and they've simply passed on that fiduciary responsibility. They can post all the scientific charts they want. Us non-science guys won't understand how to interpret it and with such low liquidity and quite a few of us retail investors owning 50K+ shares, we can move the share price in a meaningful direction pretty easily. They need to reassure the markets in a different way. They are way to close to an outcome to let the stock continue to slip like this. I'm still voting against every single one of them off the board when the time comes even if the stock pops by then. This has been a disaster for all of us and the risk spread is spiraling out of control, creating what is likely a false narrative, when it should be bridging a significant gap leading into the upcoming results. THTX is creative with science. Get creative with engaging the markets.