After the appraisal is when the party will start !! Those wells are worth a lot. The market cap of heli reflect only the gas well and the pipeline assets basically. I think those two prodding wells that will be appraised are worth almost today's market cap.
so , they pretty much have 2x the assets value than the market cap.
Not including cash on hands and cash from exercise of warrants (about 17M$) when it happens. But all warrants are in the money now , so that's really good.
Not including revenues from the wells. maybe 1.5-1.8M a month when the second well comes online
so lowball 1.5M x12 = 18M of revenues. Or 18 cents a share fully diluted. (Rough numbers) and we're just getting started lol.
And the biggest Not included, future growth. They are planning to drill more wells and it looks like they know where to tap in that reservoir.
In summary , 18 cents a shares ( growing with every new well containing oil or gas ) plus a potential 50M in assets ( growing with every new well containing oil or gas ) plus warrant money 17M man , this is almost half price at 52 weeks high !!
the future is bright in my opinion , good luck to all