Huge increase EH REDAll older posts that received nothing or 1 now magically receive 3 or 4 , nothing amiss here is there and of course the guys who say they monitor regularly for nefarious action like they do with JR , HM and the Clown Club just go along. You know the score , you say nothing , so much for 22 years years of your integrity. Joined the club now , enjoy it, Your gamesmanship is rewarded , No more pms from me , just wallows in your new found fame as one of the posers , it's unbelievable what the self servers and self important will do. . So HM and JR and the stalkers got the email , you are on the same side , so generate a back and forward dialogue , to create reads and your rep will be amply rewarded. . Never thought you would sink to this abyss , but since you don't address , my previous posts questioning if you are part and parcel to the game are answered , BigTime. Just another West Coast player trying to say it's all the Eastcoasts problem. What a pathetic joke , guess you are one of the secret now overt abuse pushers EH BIG GUY