WEI in ~4 monthsHave any of you ever been to an affluent city that has a squatter village right next door (it's quite something to behold)? CGX is that squatter village.
I'll bet the .12 increase in CGX today is due to the increase in FEC, but I don't see any connection there; y'all know FEC made a discovery announcement today right? Nothing to do with CGX.
One would think the most sensible way for FEC to fund CGX would be to take a larger percentage of the the various tenements; beats me why they aren't doing it that way. Maybe there is some kind of tax advantage to the current strategy. This whole ordeal has become so convoluted that few can figure it all out anymore. I don't think FEC will be converting any lent dollars to shares @ $3.10/share... I'm thinkin' you CGX'rs are gonna get FEC'd because there isn't anyone dumb enough to JV with this circus show.