Feels like a Saturday Night "$HAM"Yeah, people think you're "real" ... I think it really convinces the especially bright types when you place 8 "thumbs up" by a poster telling the company to take off using the f word. Kind of sick, BUT apparently impressive...it seems it "brings the band much attention" ; - ) Couldn't you make the thumbs up a near "infinite # project"? Is it true young Dom ( aka Beeche's Broker ) that there are more Stockhouse ID's registered in Canada than actual voters? I heard that once and have often wondered ; - )
Seems little "company detail" is ever shared here, just constant overbuden and "white-collared kibitzing" from the Beech Boy's ... fear not, they are capable of being "very promotional", they have "worked the bullboards" of some of Canada's worst Bio disasters.."PLI" as an example. THERE the story was "BUY" and a 3B CAD market cap..today..near ZERO as a fraction of LMNL...SICK!
I am surprised NO body commented on the additional trial we are running beside the TIGER.
Anyone read about the Eden or have anything to add?
I await a "real poster" as apposed to a few Stockhouse ID's patrolling a 28 cent USD multi-FDA'd bio stock on a Saturday night...INDEED ..and unable to locate the "IGNORE" button. They continue to listen to the "kids" and have nothing better to do...I own a lot of this and am quite pleased to share company detail with other "loyal longs"
You "other posters" Dom ( Beeche's broker ) etc...you appear both "compicit" and "unethical" to any "educated long"
Share some valuable intel with other longs, or locate the "ignore button" , you sound both foolish and "complicit" by constantly engaging me and placing purposeful / useless overburden over my content. Read this and then "stimulate conversion" and learn about the Eden ...few know it exists .. ; - )
WARNING: this post my arrive at 30 min intervals until further noytive.. Think of it as a programmed Anon to Anon for a "bored lot" every 60 seconds ; - )