Video InterviewDoes anyone have any thoughts to post on that rather long interview ??
I heard some positive and some questionable parts .
Currently Working with 2 LP Canadian MJ Producers . I only knew about 1 . That one is due up for decision. IMO ...any MJ producers are simply crazy NOT to take adantage of Co2 Grow.
Sounds like a couple large contracts are in the works for this spring/summer according to Aaron. You can tell they expect them to sign IMO.
Cash on hand will support burn rate for approx 2 years. Only about 100 k /month . Give or take.
Mentioning of Gulf Cryo and the UAE connection . Give it up Archibalds. Gulf Cryo has done Jack Schitt for Co2 Grow. This was a deal in NOV 2019 . Since then nothing,nada ...JS.
They have done nothing except waste our time. Cannot even sell them a freaking lettuce contract where we could increase those yeilds by almost 100% . You could call or write every person at Gulf Cryo .....not one of them would have a clue who Co2 Grow is .
Pull the equipment out . F them.
It was a BAD partnership. Admit it and move on.
What did you all take away from the interview?