RE:Margin123: I am not expecting a detailed longterm
they need more information to make such a plan - they have two more exploration wells to be drilled in coming months. Then they have to submit a field development plan which has many aspects. The good thing is they will get some production from Royston Deep and Kraken (if completed as a intermediate/subthrust Royston well) as this process moves along. XM knows the geology better than anyone, they also have the new seismic from last year. My patience with Coho is wearing thin and I worry about the reaction if the production rate disappoints. I am excited to get Cascadura Field humming after the developemnt plan is accepted mid-May. But is is WAY premature to be frustrated about Royston Field. Lots more to do there.
By he way the Cascadura field development plan also includes authorization to drill update Chinook oil wells (Chinook is right next to cascadura drill pad and is included in the devlopment plan for the field) and get that on production. We could see oil production ramping up from 2-3 chinook wells before the Royston field developemnt plan is accepted and development at Royston (and maybe Kraken) gets going.
LOTS to look forward to in 2022, 2023, and 2024. And other stuff not yet even discovered.