CA 15-3 BREAST CANCER TEST The CA 15-3 test shows the levels of CA 15-3 protein in the blood, which can increase as breast cancer advances. The test can determine if the breast cancer protein is in your blood. states that CA15-3 is used to check how breast cancer treatment is working and/or to look for cancer that has come back, or recurred after treatment...though states that the CA 15-3 test sometimes cannot detect on a NEW patient if they have cancer or not because the protein levels aren't high CAN detect early diagnosis of reoccurring cancer on patients who want to see if their cancer came back or if the cancer treatment is working. This test is to be used on cancer patients and not solely suggested for people who have not yet been diagnosed with Cancer yet.
This is great news for SCRN to expand screening other than Covid...look forward to this test being USPTO approved.