How can anyone in their right mind be bullish on this?Hi all,
Wayne here, new to Stocklhouse - I've been following SZLS for the past 5 years and it baffles me that some people can still be bullish on this company. Reading through these board as well as Yahoo it seems there are still some that think this has some type of long term potential.
I personally don't see it whatsoever. R/S after R/S, terrible finanacials, Aristotle bombed, doesn't seem this this company has a clear direction from the top down. Not to mention JHT is paid hansomly for essentially running this company into the ground!
Financials come out soon and I'm expecting another complete dud of a report... I think this has the potential to drop even lower before JHT goes for possibly another R/S????
I truly feel bad for anyone who's still holding this, things don't look promosing at all....