RE:RE:WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! FOMO will get ya...just like the past 5 years here. most often it hurts so bad, but once in a while it feels sooo good.
whateveryousay wrote: It has been a total crash with the entire sector there is still a massive oversupply of product and most users of cannabis products have stuck with their pre legalization suppliers.Eventually the legal roll out will make a lot of money for many growers but not before most companies are bankrupt.I bought into TGIF about 2 years ago at .60 and am underwater but this companies product line looks very good and they are definitely operating in the right state.Anyone waiting for the feds to legalize nationally will be waiting a long time too many evangelical senators still see cannabis as the gateway drug to hell.If TGIF can capture a nice part of market share in Nevada they can make a sizeable profit.